In chemical industries, water is not just part of the production process but also it is a part of the product itself. HFPL systems ensure a excellent quality of water for production , drinking , cooling water, rinse water or boiler feed as DM water.

Pretreatment to ensure highest recovery
Waste water treatment for effluent recycle to achieve zero discharge
Boiler water treatment system
Water Cooling System
Comprehensive O&M for all water system
Supply of all types of highest quality media, consumables like resin, membranes, waste water treatment chemicals, Antiscalant and poly/ferrous.
Total water management consultancy
Compliance with pollution control board regulations
Lower discharge of effluent.
No cost of fresh water
Superior price performance ratios and process efficiency
Creative ownership options
**The specific pollutants discharged by organic chemical manufacturers vary widely from plant to plant, depending on the types of products manufactured, such as bulk organic chemicals, resins, pesticides, plastics, or synthetics fibers. Some of the organic compounds that may be discharged are benzene, chloroform, napthalene, phenols, toluene and vinyl chloride.
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) which is a gross measurement of a range of organic pollutants, may be used to gauge the effectiveness of a biological wastewater treatment system