Sludge dewatering screw press manufacturers
Wastewater treatment has a watery sludge as a byproduct. Disposal of such sludge tend to be very costly hence sludge dewatering system is an alternative for avoiding such high costs. By dehydrating the solid byproduct, the weight and volume of product is reduced, delivering major cost savings. Screw press is an auto device to remove moisture from biological and chemical sludge .It is the latest technology designed to remove moisture from sludge with the help of screw action. Screw press along with paddle dryer to remove moisture content to 100% are ideal options which are deployed and generated sludge can be used as fuel for boiler.

Advantages of screw press
The area required by Screw Press is very less compared to other equipments used for same. There is high space saving if we go for screw press technology.
The Screw Press is a fully automatic system thus, resulting in easy and efficient operation as compared to conventional Sludge Handling process such as Filter Press
The screw press has a very long equipment life as compared to Filter Press. There are no frequent replacement of Filter cloth as in Filter Press
Why Hyper Filteration For Screw Press?
We are the first and only one in the country to install maximum number of Screw Press .
We have our manufacturing facility equipped with resources to manufacture entire Screw Press.
All our designs, installations and product are tailor-made with respect to customer .requirements, site conditions, wastewater parameters etc.
We have a vast network of after sales service which is must as it is a service industry.