Industrial ro plant manufacturer in India
Hyper Filteration has done over 2000 industrial RO projects all over India and world.

Salient Features
Boiler and Cooling Tower Treatment
Boiler Feed Water And Cooling Water Segment
Water For Boiler Feed And Cooling In Power Plant Condensers, Coolers And Other Systems.
Boiler feed water For particular steam boiler has to have specified parameters of pH, Hardness, dissolve solids, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, silica etc.
BFW fed to a boiler should not form sludge and scales on heating surfaces because scales/depositions are bad conductors of heat and localized heating of the scaled spot may cause unequal expansion resulting in failure of the parent metal. Such failures occur in economizers and super heater areas of boilers. Sludge may not be sticky in nature but these have to be blown out of the system because there is every chance of particles getting carried over with steam to turbines and other area where steam is used. It may be noted that blow down causes energy/fuel loss and lowers thermal efficiency of the plant.
BFW parameters for boilers of different pressure ratings have been freezed after decades of study on boiler feed water and boiler water (inside the drum) behavior and anybody who tries to ignore these parameters is doing it at a great hazard to boiler and its operating staff.
The importance of running a boiler safely and maintaining it in perfect health through timely inspections, hydraulic testing and radiography (to check wall thickness) during every shutdown can not be over emphasized.
In a boiler water gets heated to boiling point (at working pressure), converts into steam, is super heated and steam flows to the steam turbine of power plant or to the point where steam is needed. The exhaust steam from turbines’ last stage, is condensed in a condenser and is returned to the boiler to repeat the working cycle. Since all the steam does not return, make up water has to be produced to meet the hourly requirement of feed water.
Hyperfilteration offers a wide collection of latest Industrial RO Water Treatment Solutions in India, which is easy to install and very economic as it requires minimum maintenance.
Industrial RO Water Plant is mainly used in, separating chemicals and contaminated salts dissolved in the industrial water. Hyper filtration is one of the leading Industrial RO Plant Manufacturer in India as well as abroad, believed to provide with top quality solutions in water treatment.
We assure you, the minimum cost of manufacturing and installation and the best customer experience among our entrants. Hyperfilteration can provide you with the absolute best range of Industrial RO Water Plants in India on effective range & timely delivery.
If you are looking for industrial RO plant in India, Contact Hyperfilteration and order your needed services. And If you are facing any issues about the quality of water trust us with the best water treatment solutions customized to your needs and with the best technology for optimum results.
For reasons mentioned above this make up water must be of specified quality with respect to pH, conductivity, silica etc., and this requires proper treatment of raw water.
To derive maximum work from high pressure super heated steam that is fed to turbo- generator, vacuum (low pressure) is maintained in the last stage of turbine and to convert exhaust steam into boiler feed water it is sent to shell side of condenser which has cooling water flowing in its tubes. Since steam vapor carry latent heat-say about 540 Kilo Calorie/KG of steam and as temperature gradient (temperature diff. between inlet and outlet) of cooling water flowing through condenser is about 8 degree C, every Kilo of exhaust steam shall require 70 kg of cooling water. Thus when such huge quantity of cooling water is flowing through condenser it is essential that cooling water also must be of specified parameters which should prevent chocking of tubes and corrosion of water headers.
How does an Industrial RO Water plant work?
It is the most popular method of purifying water on a large scale. As of now, purifiers are mainly based on the various water purification methods but Reverse Osmosis is a technology that is used to remove the large majority contaminants from water by pushing the water under through a semi-permeable membrane. With the help of Industrial RO Water Plant solvent forcing to move from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying in the pressure in the excess of osmotic pressure.
In the Technology of industrial RO Water Plant ultra-violate rays are used in the purification system because these type of rays can solve the complex microwaves issue which is present in the water. As per the standard Hyperfilteration is a well-renowned organization in the industry of Industrial RO Water Plant Manufacturer in India.
What are the benefits of Industrial RO Water Plant?
Water is one of the most important essential things for living as well as for non-living things. As per you know very well that our industries are consuming a lot of water to process their operations of the production or manufacturing because water plays a very important role so Industrial RO Water Plant play its role to purify the water for the reuse wastewater after treatment. Here are some benefits of Industrial RO Water Plant.
Provide Clean and Useable Water – Everybody knows it that wastewater is too harmful to nature but wastewater can be used after water treatment with the help of Industrial RO Water Plant. According to frequently talk with engineers found that if required so wastewater can be purified for human consumption.
Protect Environment – wastewater contains a lot of waste materials like impurities, bacteria’s, bad elements and harmful chemicals. Industrial RO Water Plant can remove all the impure component and harmful chemicals from the water.
Keeps disease away – pure water can increase the immunity of your internal body organs then you don’t need to visit a doctor’s clinic frequently even in monsoon. As per the current situations, all of you know it is how much important to boost your immunity and impure water can affect your health and it could bring a lot of diseases.