Water treatment solutions provide high quality water for your guests and facilities. Treated water is also a necessity to keep other amenities such as hot water, cooling towers, boilers, swimming pools, gardening, and laundry services running efficiently and reliably. HFPL has custom tailored water treatment solution for hundreds of hospitality facilities.

Our Solutions include
Point of use and central water treatment systems for drinking water and kitchens
Conditioned water for bathing and laundry
Swimming pool water filtration and disinfection
Management of heating and cooling water circuits with speciality chemical treatment programmes
Sewage treatment and recycle
Comprehensive O&M services and AMC contract which eliminate operation, maintenance and supervision by the customer
Effective waste water management provides assurance against water shortages
Compliance with discharge regulations
Uninterrupted water supply for toilet flushing, gardening, floor cleaning and vehicle washing
Savings, because of reduced requirement of fresh water
More fresh water available for drinking, cooking and bathing purposes.